Serving the Round Rock Police Department

The Round Rock Police Foundation Serves the RRPD in three ways.

The first two are directly related to how we serve the community: by amplifying and promoting awareness of community-oriented events and services offered by the Round Rock PD, and by raising funds to support those events and services.

Beyond promoting awareness of PD programs and fundraising support, there is one more key way that the Round Rock Police Foundation serves the RRPD: the Annual Gala.

The Round Rock Police Foundation Gala is the Foundation’s premiere event to honor and recognize RRPD members who keep our community safe and make Round Rock a great place to live, raise a family, and do business. It is part celebration, part recognition, and all fun. It also serves as a major fundraiser for the Round Rock Police Foundation and therefore enables us to provide support and funding to RRPD programs and events.