The mission of the Round Rock Police Foundation is to strengthen engagement between RRPD and the community to improve public safety and promote a higher quality of life for all Round Rock residents and visitors. We do this by promoting our own and RRPD’s programs and by supporting RRPD Officers and their families, especially in times of need.

Our vision is that community strength comes from connectedness and all stakeholders working together to keep Round Rock safe. This will result in Round Rock being a vibrant and thriving place to raise families and to do business in a clean, friendly, caring, moral, and supportive environment.




A sincere mindset of care for our community, its reputation, its future and our police department, its employees and their families is the foundational value for all that we do.


We are stronger together, and true community can only be built when businesses, families, and the Round Rock PD all operate with each other’s interests and concerns in mind.


Round Rock is a diverse community with room for differing views, thought processes, and opinions. RRPF celebrates this and keeps it top-of-mind in how we operate.


We will conduct business and personal interactions in a way that reflects the highest degree of honesty, respect, and commitment for all involved.


Families are the bedrock of our community and a strong, thriving, safe community is based on family units that are individually strong and connected to the rest of the community.

501 (c)(3) Statement

The Round Rock Police Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that was formed by local volunteers of the Round Rock community.  Its board members are not paid employees, therefore other than minimal administrative costs the vast majority of donations are used for the purposes of supporting and assisting the Round Rock Police Department. The causes that we actively support are listed in the programs section of this site.